Quitting Your Job

“I need to quit my job.”

I vividly remember the day I mustered up the courage to utter those simple words out loud to my husband.

He was not impressed.

At the time, I was making an income more than double what we’d made together while working in a much larger town with many more vocational options.

We were scared. We were uncertain.

Yet I knew it was the right thing to do. (I’m still not sure if he agrees!)

In today’s video, I share my perspective on quitting a job that no longer serves you.

And oddly enough, my viewpoint has changed considerably since I left my own job.

Friends, I’m not telling you to quit your job.

I am telling you that if you want to live a life different from what you have, you can’t make your job an excuse.

Too many times I hear people say that they can’t just “up and quit”.

Yes. Yes, you can.

And maybe you should.

It’s never going to be easy, but how will you ever know what you’re capable of if you’re too afraid to try?

Your dreams are out there, waiting for you. All you have to do is find the courage to chase them. It won’t be easy. There will be times when you want to give up. You’ll cry. You’ll drink too much wine to drown out the worry.

But, you’ll grow and you’ll learn and you’ll be better for it.

I can’t decide this for you. Only you can decide what makes sense for you.

I want to encourage you to embrace the uncertainty. Embrace the fear.  Embrace the idea of stepping into your potential.

If quitting your job is necessary to make that happen, then so be it.


Choosing Your Focus


Needing Grace