Harness the power of individuals in your community to do more, believe in the future, and try new things despite the tendency to want to stick with “how we’ve always done it”.
How I can help:
Inspirational Speaking Sessions
Mission and Values Development for Community Organizations
Innovation Training
You get to decide who you are as a community.
Regardless of the size of your community, you get to write your story. I’m from a small town so I am intimately familiar with the challenges that communities face. I also believe in the power of hope and the incredible things we can accomplish when we couple that hope with action.
Creating Community Culture
The Human Side of Economic Development
Creating Experienced-Based Tourism
Enhancing Community Engagement
Changemaking in a Small Town
Living BIG in the Life You’re In
How to Say No
Owning Your Power
Transparency + Vulnerability in the Workplace
The Value of Knowing Your Values