Testimonial Submission
I so appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with me. The honesty of your experience working with me helps me get better and helps others decide if they want to work with me, too!
Please note the following:
YOUR WORDS: By submitting your testimonial below, you’re allowing me to use the words you’ve written for the promotional purposes of Rebecca Undem, LLC, including our social media channels. Where possible, links will also be provided to your site so that my audience can easily find you. Please understand that I may slightly tweak a few things (like potential spelling or grammar errors) to make sure that your message is being communicated as clearly as possible.
YOUR IMAGE: By submitting your testimonial below, you’re allowing me to use your image for the promotional purposes of Rebecca Undem, LLC, including our social media channels.
OWNERSHIP: By submitting this form, you’re not surrendering any ownership of your words or images. You are merely allowing me the right to use them. You may revoke this right at any time. Simply contact me at rebecca@rebeccaundem.com.
PRIVACY: I will never sell, rent, or otherwise distribute your words, images, or personal information in any way other than stated above. Spam is gross and I try really hard to not be gross, when possible.